Asthmatic Kitty Records

Chris Schlarb


Catalog: AKR303
Release date: January 6, 2011


NightSky features an original score performed by a small ensemble of avant-garde, jazz, and modern classical musicians. Among other things, the soundtrack for NightSky contains 12-string acoustic guitar, marimba, a Nintendo DS (running Korg DS-10), bowed cymbals, acoustic drums, euphonium, mandolin, and electric slide guitar.

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NightSky Soundtrack Credits
Written, Arranged, Composed and Produced by Chris Schlarb
Chris Schlarb- electric guitar, 6- and 12- string acoustic guitar, keyboard, percussion, electric bass, marimba, electronics
Nick Hennies- acoustic drums, bowed cymbals
Danny Levin- euphonium, coronet
Andrew Pompey- acoustic drums, percussion, marimba, mandolin
Anthony Shadduck- upright bass