Asthmatic Kitty Records

The Welcome Wagon

I Can Cross the Sea

Catalog: AKR395
Release date: October 28, 2020
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“I Can Cross the Sea,” the new single from gospel duo The Welcome Wagon, arrives at the moment right when we need it, which is right now (or, whenever it is that you’re hearing it for the first time). Recorded at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Brooklyn, the song is a gentle shot of optimism straight across our bow at a time when the waves are choppy and the sky is dark. There are “monsters beneath us,” and we’re in the “heaviest weather;” – yet “I feel strong when we’re together,” sing Rev. Vito Aiuto, his wife Monique Auito, and a wholesome gaggle of friends including Jeremy McDonald (Mason Jar Music) on bass, Evan Gregory (Gregory Brothers) on piano, and Anthony LaMarca (War on Drugs) on lead guitar and drums.