Asthmatic Kitty Records

Mozart’s Sister


Catalog: AKR124 • Cover Art: Matt Hale, Photo by Katie Jung
Release date: August 5, 2014
  • CD
  • LP
  • MP3 Buy

CD and LP include immediate download of full album in 320kbps MP3.
LP also includes download coupon to MP3 and FLAC.

“Being is a fracture. A note between thought and expression. When I wrote this record I was riding a wave of light and dark; I still am. It’s not a twisted path but one that aspires to harmony. In all the little bits that make up the bulk of the ‘songs’ of this album is a jump. Every step in the process of this record felt like, and continues to feel like a jump. From the bass line to the album ‘description.’ So here I am jumping into your mercy, a leap I will never forget. I feel the future can only bring better or worse and definitely not the same. So this record is a thing that will never happen again. I hope you enjoy it.” – Caila Thompson-Hannant

Canadian? Buy it from our friends at Paper Bag Records here.