We are always happy when My Brightest Diamond shows up. In this case, her cyber-presence is now in two more places. 
Tim Fite, whom you might recognize from a recent MBD tour and musical fame in general, is also an expert interviewer worthy of the sharpest press corp. Why? He doesn’t shy from the rough and tough issues. "I drew a circus tent and I want you to draw some things inside of it that you would want inside your circus tent," he drills Shara Worden of MBD. Her responses to that and many other questions are here at BOMB Magazine.

Shara also recorded a session for Indianapolis’ increasingly famous LaundroMatinee, a spin-off of My Old Kentucky Blog. The quality is, of course, superb, and it is also a treat to see how well MBD’s songs translate to just Shara and her good friend, Guitar. You can watch all four songs here.