A few weeks ago, San Francisco Bay Area resident Hollis Hawthorne went to India and was in a terrible and nearly fatal motorcycle accident. While in a coma, Hollis’ friends raised enough money to bring her home. Stanford Hospital are donating advanced medical care, but the bills from India and the cost of bringing her home are still mounting. Hollis does not have medical insurance. Though we do not know Hollis personally, our artists and ourselves are certainly within a couple degrees of knowing her. We’d ask that you consider helping her and her family in even a small way, if you can.
New releases from AKR
- Sufjan Stevens Javelin(October 6 2023)
- Angelo De Augustine Toil and Trouble(June 30 2023)
- The Welcome Wagon Esther(November 4 2022)
- Sufjan Stevens Fourth of July(July 1 2022)
- Half-handed Cloud Flutterama(June 17 2022)
- Sufjan Stevens & Angelo De Augustine A Beginner’s Mind(September 24 2021)
- Sufjan Stevens Convocations(May 6 2021)
- Sufjan Stevens The Ascension(September 25 2020)
- Denison Witmer American Foursquare(May 8 2020)
- Sufjan Stevens Aporia(March 27 2020)