Bridgit DeCook, Illinoisemaker and Castanets alum, has formed a band and will be playing shows in support of her project, belltower. While the band is still forming it currently consists of fellow San Franciscans Joel Murach and Travis Harris (of Poor Bailey). For those of you in the Bay Area be sure to catch her at the Edinburgh Castle (950 Geary St.) on December 15th.
New releases from AKR
Sufjan Stevens Javelin(October 6 2023)
Angelo De Augustine Toil and Trouble(June 30 2023)
The Welcome Wagon Esther(November 4 2022)
Sufjan Stevens Fourth of July(July 1 2022)
Half-handed Cloud Flutterama(June 17 2022)
Sufjan Stevens & Angelo De Augustine A Beginner’s Mind(September 24 2021)
Sufjan Stevens Convocations(May 6 2021)
Sufjan Stevens The Ascension(September 25 2020)
Denison Witmer American Foursquare(May 8 2020)
Sufjan Stevens Aporia(March 27 2020)