Of course we have all seen the music videos wherein the band is helicoptered in and plays on top of a mountain. Lovely, all of them, but just an illusion, yes? Bands don't actually play on mountaintops.
Or do they? An elite few actually do – an elite few that will soon include our very own Rafter, for Peppermill Fest 2010, held August 13-15th! In prep for the mountaintop fest, Vancouver's Peppermill Records are scouting Shangri-La Basin in the majestic Rocky Mountains. Although they've confirmed Rafter, the lineup is still in the works so keep checking here for details. Tickets are $200 (this is a good deal!) and includes all kinds of great stuff like food and drink and music, so you should buy tickets from here soon – Rafter promises a "1 of a kind set;" listening to Rafter on a mountaintop should not be missed.