On April 5-7, Shara Worden, of My Brightest Diamond, and Sufjan Stevens are particpating in the Bryce Dessner-curated Music Now 2007 festival. Bryce is best known as the guitarist for The National and his instrumental band Clogs, and for being born in Cincinatti, Ohio.

Shara and Sufjan will be playing in the historic Memorial Hall, located in the even more historic Over-the-Rhine district of Cincinnatti. They won’t be alone though. The two will be taking turns on the stage with the veritable likes of string quarter Amiina (of Sigur Ros fame), renowned flamenco guitarist Pedro Soler, and experimental Czech duo Irena a Vojtěch Havlovi. Shara will serve as guest vocalist for the Clogs and Sufjan. They’ll even share a string quartet.

Passes for the entire festival cost only $60. Tickets to each individual performance will cost $25. The theater only seats 500, so watch the festival’s website for ordering information.

Audio links of fellow Music Now musicians follow.
The National’s MySpace page
Clogs, "Kapsburger" and "5/4" (MP3)
Amiina’s MySpace page