Rooftop concerts have a long and celebrated history in rock and roll, and so it’s no surprise that the recently launched (and very watchable) brought the rooftop concert to the living room laptop with their Don’t Look Down series of video.

For the show’s newest installment, Don’t Look Down convinces My Brightest Diamond, in string quartet formation, to haul their instruments and equipment all the way up to a brickly rooftop in New York City. Once there, they play four perfect rooftop selections: "Golden Star," "Apples," "From the Top of the World" (from the recently released EP), and "Black & Costaud."

And boy, does My Brightest Diamond really ring it out. Even if you’re afraid of heights, we think you’ll enjoy hearing Shara Worden’s voice ring out across the skyline. Part one is here, and part two is right here. (You don’t see it on tape, but we bet MBD broke the rule and looked down. Shame!)