In celebration of the release of Awe Owe on August 4th, Helado Negro will take a week long tour of the five boroughs of New York. Yes. You read that correctly. Go back and reread if necessary. All. Five. Boroughs. As far as we know, this tremendous feat has only been accomplished by 50 Cent. Until now.

Starting off in Queens, Helado Negro will bring their perfectly-timed-to-late-summer sounds to each of the City’s boroughs, concluding the tour with a ride on the Staten Island Ferry to play on the mysteriously floating borough itself. Helado Negro will consist of Roberto C. Lange (voice, guitars, etc.), Jason Ajemian (percussion), Isaac Lekach (guitar, voice and vibes), Jason Trammell (drums), Oliver Chapoy (guitar), Jon Philpot (voice and percusion) and Shannon Fields (guitars, etc.). The motley crew will then Escape from New York (sans Chapoy and Philpot) and take their music to the southeastern portion of the United States. This powerhouse band includes members of Savath & Savalas, Yeasayer, Stars Like Fleas, Guy Fantastico, and Born Heller. Details are here.

While on tour, Roberto Lange will meet up with painter/kinetic sculptor David Ellis in Charlottesville at the Bridge to score a new sculpture by Ellis. Learn more about the opening night for this exhibition here. For trivia nerds (hey that’s us too!) Ellis helped out on an amazing new music video for the vastly bearded Helado Negro, which you can see here.

While we have your attention focused on Helado Negro, download the new remix by Leb Laze of Helado Negro’s "I Wish". Leb-Laze sublets the original and does a little redecorating while his walkman jams So So Def deep cuts and his dog Atomic starts pulling things out of the cupboards.

"I Wish (Leb Laze Tramp Stamp Remix)" (Download)