Grampall Jookabox recently joined us here at Asthmatic Kitty, and his second album, Ropechain, is due in early November.

But if you’re anxious to get a sampling of what we think is one of the most unique combinations of styles we’ve heard in a long time, you can check out a web-only, totally free EP exclusively at Rill Bruh is the halfway point between Jookabox’s debut album Scientific Cricket and Ropechain and is a nice, free way to check out some of the experiments in Rill Bruh that make Ropechain so distinct and progressive. Click here to listen and download for free.

If you like what you hear, you’ll want to catch his engaging act live as well. Grampall also embarks on tour next week with PWRFL Power starting in his hometown of Indianapolis, then circling around the Midwest and Northeast and back home again. Click here for details.