Photo by Aimee Brown

On November 4th, something very significant will happen: Grampall Jookabox will celebrate his first Asthmatic Kitty album (in association with Joyful Noise), Ropechain, and kick off a celebratory release tour. Moving through a landscape darkened by the shadows of financial convulsion and political warfare, Moose Adamson’s joyous supernatural street visions will refresh and reinvigorate weary hearts and minds.

Grampall Jookabox has already toured extensively, but this will be his official tour for Ropechain. And it will be good, we promise. He’ll start in Indianapolis with a release party at Radio Radio, then continue with Deer Tick (they’re reissuing the exquisite War Elephant on vinyl in November, by the way) to fourteen cities across the country, including Dallas, Austin, L.A., San Francisco, Seattle, Salt Lake City, and Chicago. See here for details.