Photo by Mia Ferm

We are very close to letting Texas Rose, The Thaw, and The Beasts, the latest work from Castanets, out of the door. Shortly after we do, Castanets will embark on a tour of Europe that weaves through Germany, Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, and end in the UK. You can see those dates here.

For us unlucky enough to not be in Europe, everyone endowed with an internet connection can hear Castanets cover Hank Williams in multiple places. On Stereogum, Castanets cover  "Rambling Man." Hank’s yodel scared frontman Ray Raposa as a kid, and Ray is just paying it forward. You can hear it here. And then on My Old Kentucky Blog, Castanets cover "Weary Blues from Waiting" with kind of fancy guitar footwork. That one is here.